Resident Wellbeing -
Enjoy Your New Lifestyle to the Full!
Our focus has always been providing wonderful living environments, including some of the best social and recreational facilities available. As our communities mature, we realise that residents’ needs and priorities change and maintaining physical and emotional wellbeing becomes more challenging.
In mid 2019 CCL made the decision to appoint a Lifestyle and Activities Coordinator to assist resident groups and Country Club management across our portfolio in broadening opportunities for improving residents’ physical and emotional wellbeing. This role has been expanded further and is now known as Lifestyle & Activities Coordinator. Lisa Eason has been in the role since late 2023.

Lisa Eason
Lifestyle and Activities Coordinator
The goal is to positively and proactively lengthen residents’ ability to maintain independent living via two key elements. Firstly, to liaise with residents to support and improve options for resident activities and support systems. Lisa liaises with residents to obtain valued feedback regarding activities and social group requirements, allowing residents to benefit from more options they consider relevant to their needs. Lisa also monitors the latest initiatives across our various country clubs and industry wide, sharing possible new lifestyle and activity opportunities with residents.
The second initiative is building relationships with key external stakeholders that offer services to assist and improve resident wellbeing, lifestyle and happiness. For example, we know that as needs change, in order to continue living independently, residents may wish to benefit from in-home health care and support.
CCL have formed a relationship with Mercy Health, a not-for-profit organisation that provides various health, wellbeing and lifestyle support services at a discounted rate. If you have arrangements with an alternative provider of home services, you are fine to continue with them if you decide to make Country Club Living your new home.
Our focus is about providing choices and the best independent lifestyle we can. Our Lifestyle and Activities program is an ever changing area of service to residents. If you would like more information about our Lifestyle and Activities program or what is happening at one of our country clubs, please feel free to talk to Lisa or one of our Lifestyle Consultants.
Some of the most popular wellbeing and social groups/activities we assist our residents in running:
At Country Club Living, we look forward to providing ongoing and new health and wellbeing initiatives for our residents.
Some great third party service providers that we have introduced to Country Club Living residents to assist with resident wellbeing:

Mercy Health - Victoria
(Home Care Services)

Equip 4 life
(Nutrition & Wellbeing)

Be Connected Network
(Computer skills for keeping in touch)

Ozcare - Queensland
(Home Care Services)

Australian Multi Cultural Services
(Moving it for Life exercise programs)